A well-designed web site will get noticed, but by itself is not enough to grow the sales pipeline. To stand out from the crowd, you need to augment traditional outbound promotion (newspaper ads, TV, radio, e-mail, etc) with inbound Web Attraction. That is, ATTRACTING prospects to your web presence and once there SELLING then on products and services. This flow of qualified visitor traffic results in a continual stream of prospects and leads for the business sales pipeline.
The first step is to determine your target customer, and then the most effective way to attract them to your site. Here local web advertising shines. This type of advertising has the advantage of bringing people to your web presence that really want your products. Ways to do this include local and/or global Search Engine Placement, Social Media, and, of course, Web Content Design.
This type of Web centric advertising produces big results by harnessing the power of the Internet by centering all marketing materials on informative, easy to use web sites that is memorable and creates results.