Take a look at your website from a visitor’s viewpoint. Start by typing in your company’s website URL. Getting there by search term is a topic for another time. Pretend you’re at the site looking for the services or products your company offers.
- \tIs it easy for your visitor to get where they want and what they want—fast? Can you find the information you want within three easy clicks?
- \tIs there a call to action (CTA) on every page, literally guiding visitors to the actions you want them to take? A sign up for email or a newsletter? A quick click to a phone number, a contact form, or an order form?
- \tIs everything up to date? If you’ve still got a 2009 holiday office closure schedule posted or a list of current events on a 2012 calendar . . . it’s way beyond time to make the necessary updates to your site. Make sure the copyright date at the bottom of your website is current. A site that hasn’t been updated in a while looks abandoned and untrustworthy.
If you don’t want to or aren’t equipped to address this yourself, simply call 800-847-3475 or send us an email. We may also have some other effective suggestions to Wake Up Your Web Presence!