Using the New to Serve the Old!

RP DESIGN Web Services has created a handsome new website which brings the Metlar-Bodine House Museum of Piscataway, New Jersey into the modern age and beautifully shows off its collections of historically important material to advantage. The Museum, occupying a house which was built on that site in 1728 and enlarged in the 1850s, is both a national and state registered historic site.

After having suffered a disastrous fire and subsequently undergone major renovation, the Museum is poised to take advantage of cost cutting features on their new website from which all nonprofits could benefit. Easy to navigate by visitors looking for exhibits and information, the new site allows the museum to automate daily business processes, take donations, accept and renew memberships, post events, and send renewals and other notices. It provides the Museum with the means to both conserve funds and expand donations and its membership base. Take a little tour of the Museum and the website at

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