Trumbull Library System Redesigned Website

Trumbull Library System Redesigned Website -- view at
Libraries have a great influence on our communities: at least nine in ten respondents consider library important. Since its founding in the 1920s, the Trumbull Library System has continually expanded its facilities and outreach programs to accommodate a growing membership and interest in its programs. They serve the whole family and create a great sense of community through books, promoting literacy.  More than just books and collection of computers however, the Trumbull Library System is a place where individuals congregate to discover, interact, and imagine. 
RP Design Web Services is pleased to announce the redesigned Trumbull Library System website. The beautifully redesigned site, symbolizes the Library’s vision and commitment to the growing needs of its customer base with a fresh look and feel, logo design, clear navigation, improved functionality and both mobile and user friendly.  The redesigned website does more than just providing access to content by promoting library events, online and offline services and increasing community engagement.  

Main menu mods