Be prepared when visitors find your website through the Law of Web Attraction. Your site should be ready for them. Credible research has shown that most people will turn away within ten seconds if something doesn’t capture them nearly instantly.
And then--BZZT—time’s up! They’re gone, probably never to return –they’ll be looking for what they want on your competitors’ websites. On the other hand, if your site can keep those potential customers from leaving, after about 20-30 seconds, they’re much more likely to stay a while, finding and buying what they want.
So how do you keep them when they get to your site?
1. A quick-loading, attractive landing page. You may have a nifty graphic to open with, but if it’s slow loading, it’s “Goodbye Charlie!” before it even displays. The first impression needs to be one of professionalism and reliability. Also, all subsequent pages should retain your brand—logo, style, and ease of use-- that characterizes the homepage, since you don’t know how visitors will arrive.
2. Excellent content, using relevant and brief but informative, engaging text and images, which tell people immediately they’ve come to the right place.
3. Simple to use menus and clear and easy navigation on every page--no guessing about how to get to another part of the site. Visitors can easily locate the details about what they’re looking for.
4. Reasonable sized type and readable fonts.
5. Simple-to-fill-in secure forms for ordering or obtaining information
And if you can get them to stay and pay, your customers are likely to recommend their great experience on your site to others.
Next article: Want a website? Need content? Don’t want to write it?