Better Hosting Experience Tips to Keep Your Customers Coming Back

To keep your customers coming back for more, you need a reliable hosting environment. In other words, how you host your website is just as important as the site itself. A cluttered, buggy and slow-loading site can turn away potential visitors in seconds. But with a clean, efficient and user-friendly environment, people are more likely to hang around and check out what else you have on offer. When it comes to creating a better hosting experience, there are many details that go into making sure your website runs smoothly. From optimizing the code so pages load faster and remaining consistent through the seasons to small things like hand washing laundry to prevent fleas from spreading. The good news is these little things don't cost much money or time to implement. Here are 5 tips for creating a better hosting experience:

Hosting Speed Up Your Site

The quickest way to create a better hosting experience is to speed up your site's loading speed.

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A slow website is one that frustrates your visitors and they are likely to leave without checking out your content.

A host's server is the engine that powers your website. The more you ask it to do, the quicker it will be. In order to keep your website running at full capacity, your host needs to be able to handle the load. But most of todays web hosts aren't optimized for the cloud. Thats why many of them are under the gun to be faster! Luckily, there are a few ways you can speed up your site.

Keep your site consistent and error-free

As well as loading your website faster, you can also help prevent errors with your hosting. Error-free hosting means your site is running smoothly and error-free. As well as preventing user frustration, error-free hosting also means your site is more likely to run optimally.

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If it's running quickly and efficiently, visitors are more likely to stay as opposed to browsing to a new website. One way to check your hosting is to see if you're getting any errors. If so, you can look into how you can prevent these from occurring in the future. If not, then you can start to keep a closer eye on how your hosting reacts to certain actions on your site. Its possible to login to your hosting account and view your server logs. This will give you an insight into what your server is doing at any given time.

Put Code in its Place

You wouldn't try to drive a car with a golf club and expect to be successful. It may work in a practice round but you're bound to crash. Thats why its important to have someone who knows what they're doing driving the car.

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Your host will be your driver. If they're not experienced, they're likely to crash into the wall from time to time. If your host isn't set up properly, they could be crashing into their own car. If your server crashes, for example, because it was overloaded, you could lose visitors for longer than if you were hosted on a more reliable host. In order to avoid this, you should be able to notice if your site is running slowly or if it's crashing. If it is, you should be transferred to a more reliable server as soon as possible.

Make sure you're running optimized code

Your provider has to host your files and code. Thats what they're good at. But they aren't the ones who write the coding. You are. Thats why its important to make sure your hosting provider is hosting the code you write.

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While it's not something you have to do, its important to make sure you're hosting the code on your server. Otherwise, your hosting provider might be hosting it on their own server. This could cause your code to be slower than it should be. If you're hosting the code on your server, it means you're in control. You can optimize your code for the best performance.

Wash, Rinse and Repeat

As well as ensuring your hosting provider is your code, you should be sure to keep your hosting provider updated. If you don't want to host the code, you can choose to use a hosted WordPress platform or pay an extra monthly fee for a managed hosting service. But if you want to host the code, you should be sure to keep your hosting providers updated. If you don't, they might not be hosting your code properly.

To keep your provider updated, you should be able to easily access your hosting account. Also, you should make sure your hosting accounts details are correct and have the correct permissions enabled.


Hosting your website is just as important as the site itself. A cluttered, buggy and slow-loading site can turn away potential visitors in seconds. But with a clean, efficient and user-friendly hosting environment, people are more likely to hang around and check out what else you have on offer. When it comes to creating a better experience, there are many details that go into making sure your website runs smoothly. From optimizing the code so pages load faster and remaining consistent through the seasons to small things like hand washing laundry to prevent fleas from spreading. The good news is these little things don't cost much money or time to implement.

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